Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last week was a success

Birthed alongside my daughter was a new level of anxiety. I have never been a particularly over anxious individual and I was often considered by friends and family as a relaxed and unflappable person. Yet, when our daughter was born, I developed an anxiety similar to those characteristic of a grandmother -- "Be careful walking down the street. Are you sure that it is safe to fly? Is this a safe neighborhood?" -- not the level of anxiety that warrants Xanax.

Last week, when had a new person, my mother-in-law, taking care of our daughter and I was concerned about 1,000 different scenarios where something could go wrong. Here are a few of my crazy thoughts:

  • Our daughter will get upset because she with a new person.
  • They will go on a walk and get hurt and no one will know how to call me.
  • Our daughter will just be generally unhappy.
  • She won't eat.
  • She won't sleep.

Thank goodness for my father who sometimes knows how to calm me down. He said, "Whatever your mother-in-law does, it is out of love." Of course! She loves her granddaughter unconditionally and will do anything to love, protect, and care for her. So, I was able to stop fretting over the situation at home and finally think about this dang article that I need to write.

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