Picture this....I am sitting at my desk typing on my laptop when my male colleague walks in the door. As I turn around to greet him, my foot hits the breast pump sitting on the floor near my left foot. Out comes one of the breastshields, rolling down the center of my office.
I'll admit that I am a little uncomfortable with the entire breast pump set-up. The science fiction tube-coming-out-of-my-body look is not one that I like to share with people, especially faculty colleagues. So, when I quickly grabbed the breastshield and stashed it under the flap of the pump bag, I just prayed that he would understand that this is just one of the many embarrassing moments that I have encountered as a working mom.
That is funny, but I'll bet you $20 he had no idea what the heck it was!
Let's hope not! This was not exactly a part of my life that I wanted to share with those in my department.
Hi Jaime: I agree with Athena. I'm sure he had no clue. When I pump in my office, I close my door and post a sign with a glass of milk image with "Please allow me for a privacy - pumping in progress" notice. It is amaging how people respond to the sign. It has been positive and supportive. The first time I closed my door and pumped, my colleagues and grad. assistants were confused since I always had an open door policy. They thought there was something terribly wrong with me. So, I decided to be as clear and honest as I can. Now, I have 3 "privacy" signs on my door depending on what I am doing - 1. conference call in progress, 2. writing in progress, and 3. pumping in progress.
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