Monday, January 12, 2009

Back from vacay -- Mack Monday

Finally back from a long and relaxing vacation to see family in New Mexico. Post start today and classes next week.

In honor of Mack Monday, I thought that it would be fitting to discuss a topic that I think about on a daily basis -- crawling. My little adorable daughter has decided that crawling just isn't for her. Maybe she doesn't want to get dirty. Maybe she is content with the toys in front of her, not the balls/fake TV remotes/dolls/musical toys/etc across the room. Maybe should would rather watch the other babies struggle to wiggle across the room. At almost 10 months old, her lack of interest in moving off her tush bothers me since I want her to explore the world. To go where no baby has gone before.........

What do I do? Anyone else have the same concerns?


Libby said...

my first child (a daughter, now 19) never crawled. She pulled up and walked at about 10 months. Actually she kind of ran; she didn't figure out starting and stopping for a while. My son (now 11) crawled like crazy and walked much later. Do you have hardwood floors? Some kids don't crawl because the floor's too hard; others just don't feel like it, I think.

Jaime said...

We have hardwood floors in part of the house and carpet where she plays. She just doesn't seem interested. 10 months is around the corner so maybe we will get the running kid. Thanks for the comment!